Category: android


Fix Gradle warnings after Android Studio 1.3 update

Category: dotnet

.NET and .NET Core

How to test logging when using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

.NET and .NET Core

Build a .NET library with GitHub Actions

.NET and .NET Core

Should I use global.json?

.NET and .NET Core


Category: dotnet-core

.NET and .NET Core

How to test logging when using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

.NET and .NET Core

Build a .NET library with GitHub Actions

.NET and .NET Core

Should I use global.json?

.NET and .NET Core


Category: linux

Linux and Python

Compile Python 3.4 on Raspbian

Category: posts


new Blog()

Category: python

Linux and Python

Compile Python 3.4 on Raspbian

Category: windows

Windows and WSL

WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04 step-by-step upgrade: getting started on Windows 10 May 2020 Update

Category: wsl

Windows and WSL

WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04 step-by-step upgrade: getting started on Windows 10 May 2020 Update